Mary Micallef

Wishing upon a dandelion: This illustration is inspired by my little daily rituals with Nanna Mary. Her words are a canvas of nostalgia - bringing up childhood memories on a daily basis! Mixed emotions follow and tears take over - a five minute roller coaster ride! "How much I miss your Grandpa!", "Remember when we used to go to the beach at 5am?", "When will we go out again?", "When you were 4, you dyed your hair with wood varnish!"

However, during these times I cannot help but notice that everyday our conversations are having a repetitive closure - "How I wish..." Therefore, this illustration is inspired by my nanna. A strong willed woman, braver than anyone I have ever met. With everything going on at the moment I know our calls mean so much to her, they mean a lot to me too. I owe a lot of who I am today to her, this woman ‘Wishing upon a dandelion’.

Illustration by Marilyn Ciantar


Paul's Eye


My Grandfather Mark